Essentials for Women in Their 60’s - Numi

Essentials for Women in Their 60’s

Classic Weekend Outfit Reading Essentials for Women in Their 60’s 1 minute Next What to Wear to the Office This Week: Aug 25

Just because you’ve crossed the 60 year old mark does not mean you can no longer be stylish. Our youth obsessed culture has many of us thinking that it is okay to wear tight crop tops and neon leggings but not all of us can follow these youthful trends. It is important to not focus on these trends and look for what works for you to create your personal style. Look to style icons of your age such as Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, and Jane Seymour. Here are a few essentials to get you started in order to look fabulous in your 60’s!Essentials for Your 60's