It is Pancake Tuesday! To celebrate this day we deem it acceptable to have pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Here are some fun pancake recipes to mix things up.
Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes

(Sally's Baking Addiction)
Here is a delicious option using whole wheat oatmeal. You can substitute any fruit or topping to make it your own! Although whole wheat doesn’t tend to let one think of a fluffy pancake, this recipe will prove that wrong!
Banana Pancakes

(Once Upon a Chef)
I’ve always wondered what the banana pancakes that Jack Johnson sings about in his song! So, I had to try to make them for myself. Let me tell you they are easy to make as well as delicious. There can be made in a pinch!
Blueberry-Pecan Pancake Bread Pudding

(Country Living)
Alright so this one technically counts as a pancake right?! This is the recipe to use if you want to impress someone. They are absolutely stunning and can feed a bunch of people!
Chicken Corn Bread Pancakes

(Country Living)
A savoury pancake. Have you ever heard of one of those before?! I know I haven’t till now! Chicken. I’ve heard about it on waffles, but pancakes? Sounds good to me. Give this one a try if you dare!
Pancake Breakfast Sandwich

(Country Living)
Last but not least, pancakes can be used as buns! Try using pancakes as the bread to a breakfast sandwich! Add your favourite toppings!