Friday Five - Numi

Friday Five

You can celebrate, you’re practically at the weekend! Whether your spend it relaxing or running around doing errands, it will be a good weekend!

You can celebrate, you’re practically at the weekend! Whether your spend it relaxing with your feet up or running around playing catch up  on the errands you should have done during the week, it will be a good weekend for sure.

What I’m Reading: Mastering Snapchat No Matter Where You Are

If you are anything like us you have the Snapchat app, and often check it for pictures and stories from people you follow… but you always forget to capture the moments and laughs on snapchat yourself. But not to worry, this simple and easy to follow guide on how to snapchat while traveling from Fathom will have you snapping away in no time. 


  1. Learn the simple steps of what screen means what – the camera screen will appear every time you open your phone, Swipe to the right = your personal snaps and friends, Swipe to the left = your friends stories and brand stories (seen by all!)
  2. Learn how to add the puking rainbow and puppy dog ears – the fun face filters change daily
  3. Keep your friends updated on where you are with the location and event filters – once you have taken a picture simply swipe the screen to see the collection before posting.
  4. Learn how to say it all with text – once you have snapped a pic tap on the screen to add text, read more on how to edit the text to make it any colour or size you want!
  5. Who you going to send it to – learn how to keep a streak with your BFF’s or how to share your snap to everyone on your Snapchat

Read the simple crash course on Snapchat then give us a follow @wearnumi to see behind the scenes on fashion and production secrets!

Life Hack: Hunting for a Sale Doesn’t Have to be a Thing Anymore

Shoptagr has created a way to make shopping the sales more successful and faster. Take the hunting and searching game out of sale shopping, and instead let Shoptagr notify you when a product you tagged goes on sale. 


How does it work? If you use a chrome browser its easy, (or use the iOS app for your phone or tablet). All you have to do is download a chrome button that sits right on your browser in the top corner. Then when your browsing your favourite stores (choose from 400+ online retailers) simply choose your size in your favourite items and press the little Shoptagr button on your browser. 

Whats next? Choose when you want to be notified – a price drop, a percentage sale or low in stock. When its time you will get a notification right on your browser (or app) notifying you that its the perfect time to get that item.

This honestly changes the shopping game, not only does it remind you when an item is nearly out of stock, but it will tell you if something is back in stock! How many times have you sadly closed your browser because the dress you loved wasn’t available in your size. 

People Doing Good: Google Adds 11 Professional Working Emojis for World Emoji Yay 

90% of the online population uses Emojis on a daily basis, why not use it to better educate and empower the only population. Google proposed back in May 2016 to create a collection of Emojis that “represents a wide range of professions for women and men with a goal of highlighting the diversity of women’s careers and empowering girls everywhere” 


The 11 new emojis represent a wide array of working industries and fields – including teaching, medical, engineering, foods and agriculture. All which will be portrayed in varying skin tones as well as in both male and female genders. They also will be expanding existing emojis by including female representation – on many of the “fitness and activity people” emojis. 

Defiantly an exiting and inspirational change for young women as they see women can be part of any industry and activity that their male peers are apart of.